I have been contemplating invisibility -
the difference between things seen and unseen.
And I have wondered how some things that can be seen
exist unnoticed.
Invisible by default.
How is it that people can live invisibly -
by choice or by chance?
How is it that being seen can be empowering,
while living invisibly can be empowering too?
By choice
by chance.
Can invisibility be recognized?
Not by those who are looking.
Of course not.
But perhaps by those who are looking for it.
Empty nothingness that pulsates with power.
Impossibilities energized with potential.
By choice
by chance.
Unseen by chance, empowered by choice.
Answers come with the choice to be seen.
Yet some things that can be seen exist without being noticed.
Invisible by default.
Invisibility is real.
It doesn't matter if others see it or not.
Therein lies its power and its peril.
Whichever you choose to see.
Whichever you choose to be.
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