Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Green Machine is Here!!!!

Stross' bike, The Green Machine as we've affectionately dubbed it, arrived Tuesday evening. That means the scene in this photo is pretty typical now. At least, he's found a way to ride his bike every day since its arrival. That only makes a grand total of three times - Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday - but that is three more days of independently bike riding with friends than he's ever had in his life. So that's pretty incredible, don't cha think?

He's been a healthy amount of tentative, realizing he can tip the bike if he's not careful. But he's also been a healthy amount of adventuresome. As you'll hear in the vlog, he started to head downtown to Scoopy Doos, a local downtown ice cream parlor, on his maiden voyage. Little brother reined him in that night, but he sure got there on his second outing. And he's getting bolder and faster each time he heads out.

Now I need to obtain a bike that will keep up with Stross. My 1970s era 3-speed likely won't cut it. I haven't even had the heart to get it out of storage to try. In fact, I don't think I've ridden a bike since Stross was born. As with so many other things in life, I haven't felt it fair for the entire family to do something that Stross cannot. So Mark rode bikes with Skye as he was learning, and I hung out at home with Stross.

But now my oldest is now the proud owner of The Green Machine (and deep thanks to all who made that possible including Heather Marx from Bikes for Everybody and others who are so incredibly dear and irreplaceable to us!). He's come a long way since we first met her in that hotel parking lot on June 7. [Stross Was Born to Ride]

And did you see? The Green Machine arrived with a stylin' orange safety flag. ;-) I might need one myself. Or at least some 70s era spoke decor. It is definitely time for me to get back out there as well - after nearly two decades. Anyway, once I locate/borrow/purchase (who knows?) a bike that will work, I'll be riding too.

I'm a bit nervous, but I have a feeling it will all come back to me. After all, it's just like riding a bike.


Unknown said...

It's great to see Stross riding a bike! Hurray for technology and caring people.

Belynda said...

Incredibly exciting. Go Stross!!!

Joy said...

It truly is exciting. And isn't the brother role reversal so noticeable in the vlog? Fascinating ... and uniquely wonderful.

Unknown said...

How fun for everybody. Go Stross!! Knock on the bookstore windows if you ride by next week!

Jill B said...

Speaking of '70s bike "bling"...

Have you recycled an old deck of playing cards with a wooden clothespin near the spokes yet to turn it into a "motor"cycle? That was always top fun!

Let us know if you literally could use some bells and whistles (and lighted spoke bling and reflectors and mirrors, etc) to help "pimp" his ride!

Keep on Truckin' Stross!
(it's another '70s thing; ask your folks)

Love ya! Aunt Jill